Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien
U6 Dresdner Straße (7 Gehminuten), Straßenbahn 5, O (5 Gehminuten), Bus 5a Brigittagasse (3 Gehminuten)
Solano Trindade - An urban self-management project in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil des Thementages.
Self-organized communities and social movements have long developed and discussed more collective forms of living together and relating to space and society based on self-management ideas. But how do we collaborate with different forms of knowledge? Solano Trindade is an urban occupation (2014), located in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. Led by an urban social movement for housing rights, the dwellers started renovation works – with technical advice from the university – aimed at building houses for 12 families. The project foresaw construction techniques, such as Compressed Earth Blocks and EcoSanitation, which promote another relationship between social housing and the environment and also provide training processes for all subjects involved. From the experience in the self-organized squat the workshop is aiming at an open and interactive exchange with the participants. They will be invited to follow the clothesline of histories, processes and projects in Solano Trindade, and contribute with their interests, previous knowledges and experiences. To conclude we will develop a collective activity that intends to reflect on the potential of collaboration in the development of innovative socially responsible solutions in the topics of housing, agroecology and public policies.